I started smoking at 18. Stopped smoking at 29-30 ish. Started smoking again on May 16, 2023. Friend of mine felt guilty for introducing it to me recently. Wants to start a pact to quit smoking together. I use to draw and smoke, drink and smoke, think and smoke. Smoking helped with my anxiety. It felt it helped with my depression. My anger. My stress. Work is upsetting for me. Just a lot of tiring physical activity. Lifting, moving, cutting. I work, I sleep. Rinse and repeat. I just feel old. I just feel tired. I feel lost without my ciggarrets. That zesty taste after the first draft. Like a freakin idiot, I decided to quit along with my pal. Its more to help him out than me. If I could go back...I dunno. I promise that I could finish this 1 pack and never come back. My friend doesn't believe me. Threw the pack in the trash. Guess I'll drink more.